
Palliative care in Hospital Jihlava

Pain Clinic

Palliative care in Hospital Jihlava

Palliative care

Palliative care is for patients with terminal or advanced illness. Palliative care no longer directly affects the disease itself, but focuses on treating the problems that the disease is causing the patient.

It is an all-round care that focuses on the psychological, social and spiritual needs of the patient in addition to alleviating the symptoms of the disease. The aim of palliative care is also to maintain a good quality of life, preserve the patient's dignity and provide support to their loved ones.

The need for palliative care may apply to people with the following illnesses:

  • Cancer,
  • neurodegenerative diseases such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, dementia, ALS,
  • end stages of chronic organ diseases: cardiac, pulmonary, hepatic, renal,
  • fragile geriatric patients,
  • paediatric patients with congenital or acquired life-limiting diseases.

The Hospital Jihlava specialist palliative care is provided by:

Palliative medicine clinic - for patients who are at home and able to attend the hospital.

Consiliar Palliative Team - consultation service for patients who are hospitalized in the hospital.

Palliative care station - for patients at the end of life who need hospital care.